Sabbath Circles


Start a Sabbath Circle in your community! Invite friends, family and curious seekers who are longing for time to reflect with others. We live in an accelerated world, challenged by moral turpitude. Take time to deepen into what is important in these hungry times.


In a small group or circle of soul friends, take time to simplify, to enjoy the natural world, to explore your creative juices, to experience hospitality and ultimately more joy and meaning in daily life—together and individually.

Sabbath Circles are based upon the book, Soul Tending by Anita Amstutz. Each of the chapters ends with questions to reflect upon, calling you to Sabbath practice and ultimately, Sabbath Mind.


Sabbath mind. “Sacred moments…places and spaces in our daily lives when the veil becomes so thin that we are suddenly transported into the presence of the Sacred. Bathed in meaning. Washed clean by Love.” (p. 11 Soul Tending)

Sabbath mind is a fruit of regular Sabbath keeping. It takes time,

For example, in the chapter on Simplicity:

  • As you look at your life, what must you release in order to surrender to a day of Sabbath?
  • What stands in the way, or causes resistance within you, when you consider setting aside twenty-four hours each week for Sabbath?

For more information, contact Anita:

Wisdom Ways of Being